Pandemic Outreach Healing Sessions

Mar 24, 2020
Many of you don't know that I have been offering Telephone and Virtual Conferencing Healing sessions for years. I am offering a Pandemic Outreach 2020. You can work with me for 20 minutes for $20 over the phone or with virtual conferencing.
Here is one person's description of the benefit using such a call to create an immediate shift:
"A couple weeks ago I woke with an unusually strong fear of lack and I had an interview scheduled. I knew that was the wrong energy to go in with but the more I tried my usual self talk to change it the stronger it got. I was 15 min early so I sat in the lobby and called Joy. Within 5-10 min of us talking and her doing some energy work, I was empowered to walk into the meeting confident. I walked out with my desired result. It was amazing how fast she can help you shift your energy. Thank you, Joy."
Kelley Wilks - Realtor & Life Coach
Santa Fe, NM