Meandering Thoughts

Our Self-Care Spreads Love Mar 30, 2023

I believe there is a wellspring of love available for us all. Love is not finite, though somehow it can feel scarce when it comes to loving ourselves. How much does the critic in our head speak up louder and faster than the voice of self-acceptance and self-love?

  • I can't keep up with everything...
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Client Q & A: Do you have any tips on resting? Sep 29, 2022

I have often wanted to include questions from my community members and offer my reflections back. So that is what we have today. This client has always inspired me with their desire for learning, growth, and self-awareness. 

If you have a question, send me an email. I may not have "the...

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March 2022 News from Joy Mar 27, 2022

(from the March 2022 Joyful Healing Center Newsletter)

On March 8, I held another live training on using the Joyful Healing Clarity Cards Collection for self-care and working with others. I enjoy this informal and personal way of sharing my cards. 

On March 17, I recorded a podcast...

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Ready to Overcome your fears? Oct 31, 2021

Ready to overcome your fears? It helps when we can dip into the unconscious and see what's holding us back. We can reframe and heal past perceptions and uncover inner resources that support our creative vision, adaptability, and resilience. If you are looking for a guiding light for your inner...

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The Needs and Desires Deck Aug 04, 2021

The Needs and Desires deck, like the others, may stand alone or work in tandem with the others: identifying, naming, and validating needs and desires that may have been effectively suppressed, belittled, or ignored for a lifetime. Engaging these cards enables the practitioner to have a meaningful...

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The Feelings Deck Jul 28, 2021

The Feelings deck encourages acceptance of a range of emotional responses beyond ‘mad, sad and glad’, while organically extending the user’s emotional vocabulary and effectively addressing emotional projection or denial. A perfect tool to practice empathy for others in couples...

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The Soul-Care Strategies Deck Jul 21, 2021

The Soul Care Strategies deck rounds out the series by offering the user the opportunity to find inspiration and gain guidance in addressing a body sensation, coping with feeling, or responding constructively to a newly recognized need. This tool supports individuals to align with and respond...

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The Body Awareness Deck Jul 07, 2021

The Body Awareness deck helps you identify the multiple sensations you can be experiencing on any given day. This deck helps distinguish actual body functions, sensations, and physical symptoms for anyone who struggles with distorted or combination of body signals. Highly sensitive people,...

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How the Joyful Healing Clarity Cards Collection Works Jun 28, 2021

About 8 years ago I was gifted with two decks of cards (used in Nonviolent Communication, aka NVC, to identify feelings and needs), and I integrated them successfully in my healing sessions with my clients. I redesigned the cards to better suit my clients and added two additional decks to...
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Travel Delays: Stuck at the Airport and How to Cope Apr 29, 2021

A long day to nowhere!  Sunday morning after visiting family for a week, I arrived at a small airport in Florida, ready to return home. But, that didn't happen. At least, not that day.

Three times we lined up and passed through the gate, found our seats, loaded our overhead bins, and buckled...

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No place for hooks to land Mar 19, 2021

When I come into this place of self-acceptance, then people's hooks of criticism, their projections, they can't land in me anymore. Because what I have come to realize is that hooks and triggers come from our unconscious place where we are not yet fully in love with ourselves. So as we can open...

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Letting Go Nov 09, 2020

"Letting go is a powerful choice to be in the flow." ~ Joy Caffrey

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My Fall Equinox Prayer Sep 21, 2014

I am sitting in gratitude and appreciation for renewal that moves through me, each and every cell. I give thanks for our Mother earth that continual offers me nourishment, and beauty. She teaches me resilience and reveals to me her wisdom.

I open to self-acceptance and and say yes to being...

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