Meandering Thoughts

Toning as a healing modality Mar 05, 2021

(Originally posted 23 July 2013.)

I am often asked about the Tonal sounds I use in my healing work. I have collected my thoughts to offer this articulation of the subject.

Toning is a healing process which uses vocal sound to restore and balance the human energy body. It opens doorways into the...

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Tools in My Healerā€™s Tool Box Feb 26, 2008

I had the opportunity to be a guest lecturer for Paula Mathews class of grad students at the U of Arkansas.

I wanted the class to be experiential and hands on learning. The time flew by. We discussed Human Energy Dynamics and did a few exercises getting to play with the 5 movements of energy:...

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Ā Dissolving Power Cords: A Guided Visualization Jan 30, 2008
Strong emotions and memories may surface during this exercise. Breathe, and allow the emotions to be and move without any forcing on your part, without any holding on. It is possible to experience a response to this exercise some hours or even days later or for the work to continue in the...
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