Meandering Thoughts

Soul Care: Take a bath Jul 19, 2021

Take a bath.

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How the Joyful Healing Clarity Cards Collection Works Jun 28, 2021

About 8 years ago I was gifted with two decks of cards (used in Nonviolent Communication, aka NVC, to identify feelings and needs), and I integrated them successfully in my healing sessions with my clients. I redesigned the cards to better suit my clients and added two additional decks to...
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Wonderful Validation Jul 19, 2020
I received this in an email today:
--"My kids use your feeling needs cards and it’s just revolutionary. Thank you 🙏"--
This feedback thrills me so much. It is a wonderful validation that I am on the right track as I prepare to launch a Kickstarter to get them out into the world.
If you...
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Card Deck Prototypes Finalized! Jun 06, 2020

I finalized all the decks of Soul-Care Clarity Cards. I will be starting a Kickstarter to help cover printing all the decks so that they can be available to the public. I  will be looking for all the support I can get from my FB community to spread the word far and wide.



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Finish a Project Apr 30, 2020
I am working on this one today. I have several projects going on in all different stages: over due, in the works, and ideas for the near future.
I can easily loose my sense of sequencing. Sometimes just get it done is the right answer and sometimes patience and staging is...
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