Joyful Healing Clarity Card Collection

Together we can contribute to the individual and global possibility

of clarity, compassion, and purpose.

For me, healing is full of joy. And using the Joyful Healing Clarity Cards is a big part of that enjoyment. I created these cards to help people distinguish between a body sensation, an emotion, and a need, and to offer concise, specific, and doable actions.

In July 2021, we successfully ran a crowdfunding campaign. We extend our

heart-felt gratitude to all whose participation brought this project to fruition. Together we are fostering healing and hope globally.

Introducing the Joyful Healing Clarity Cards

This beautiful, compact card kit is comprised of four individual decks:

  • Body Awareness
  • Feelings
  • Needs and Desires
  • Soul-Care Strategies

Using this collection with clients facilitates the session and helps the client make positive shifts more easily. Seeing how successful these cards have been, I am eager to share this collection with you and other wellness practitioners.

Each of the four decks stands on its own or can be introduced as part of a bigger-picture wellness plan. Their ‘mirrored’ design makes collaborative healing activities between client and therapist, couples, or pairs within a group setting, easy to coordinate and fun to do. Comfortable to hold in the hand, the decks are intentionally playing card size, and each printed in a different color to make instant identification easy.

Feelings Deck

To increase self-awareness and better communicate, we need to become aware of our feelings and be able to name them. These cards help you to

  • Accept your feelings and emotions as a natural part of your inner landscape
  • Communicate your feelings better as you build an emotional vocabulary
  • Help others communicate their feelings as you become more empathetic and receptive to their expressions

Needs & Desires Deck

To recognize and acknowledge our needs and desires, we need to recognize and name them in a non-judgmental way. These cards help you to:

  • Accept your needs so that you can find ways to meet, release, or transform them
  • Identify how you want to be treated and learn to communicate your needs and desires in a direct and clear way
  • Enjoy your daily life more as core needs are met

Body Awareness Deck

To access the inner wisdom of your body, we need to better understand when our body communicates with us. These cards help you to:

  • Nourish, strengthen, and restore your health and physical well-being
  • Become aware of physical sensations and symptoms and validate them
  • Listen to your body, respond to its signals, and take action for your well-being.

Soul-Care Strategies Deck

To promote empowerment, inner peace, growth, and vitality, we need to practice strategies aligned with our needs. These cards help you to:

  • Connect your feelings and needs with simple doable actions that foster self-care
  • Be in harmony with your flow by selecting a constructive next step
  • Reduce anxiety, stress, and depression by taking action to bring relief and healing.

Joyful Healing Feelings Deck & Needs Deck Combo

Regular price $50.00

How the Joyful Healing
Clarity Cards Collection Works

About 8 years ago I was gifted with two decks of cards (used in Nonviolent Communication, aka NVC, to identify feelings and needs), and I integrated them successfully in my healing sessions with my clients. I redesigned the cards to better suit my clients and added two additional decks to support my work.

When talking about the decks, I often say that even though emotions are what make us human, we often try to avoid feelings we judge as wrong or bad, which means many of our deeper needs remain buried and unmet, sometimes for years. Instead, we put energy into pushing away, denying, or numbing those feelings with shopping, scrolling, binge-watching series, or overindulging in food, drink, sex, and so on. Playing with the decks is all about making these deeper feelings and needs and sensations more accessible and acceptable and then guide people to healthy and appropriate strategies that address and meet those needs.

You may begin by introducing the Body Awareness deck which helps you identify the multiple sensations you can be experiencing on any given day. This deck helps distinguish actual body functions, sensations, and physical symptoms for anyone who struggles with distorted or combination of body signals. Highly sensitive people, those with learning differences, folks struggling with various disorders, or individuals suffering from complex trauma will immediately feel validated in their experiences. This deck is a valuable means of identifying the myriad ways in which our body speaks to us that we may not always correctly interpret, or in some cases, even notice.

The Feelings deck encourages acceptance of a range of emotional responses beyond ‘mad, sad and glad’, while organically extending the user’s emotional vocabulary and effectively addressing emotional projection or denial. A perfect tool to practice empathy for others in couples or group therapy, this deck also actively engages the client in the practice of self-compassion. It can be compelling to have feelings long denied sit outside you on the table. Sensing even a small separation from a challenging emotion can offer a profound grasp of what it means to say, “I am not my feelings”. From this place of greater neutrality, it becomes easier to introduce conversation around topics previously hidden or forbidden.

The Needs and Desires deck, like the others, may stand alone or work in tandem with the others: identifying, naming, and validating needs and desires that may have been effectively suppressed, belittled, or ignored for a lifetime. Engaging these cards enables the practitioner to have a meaningful discussion around the client’s forgotten or repressed needs, while also distinguishing between simply valuing the need itself, and implementing a helpful strategy to meet it. This is a powerful tool to help clients such as at-risk youth, individuals with social anxiety, or those suffering from abuse or addictions, identify how they want to be treated and what it might look and feel like for them to have specific needs met in gentle, healthy, loving ways.

The Soul Care Strategies deck rounds out the series by offering the user the opportunity to find inspiration and gain guidance in addressing a body sensation, coping with feeling, or responding constructively to a newly recognized need. This tool supports individuals to align with and respond from their inner truth, rather than how they think they should behave. So often it is the seemingly mundane that truly supports our deeper needs. Sourced from 30 years of individual client responses to the question, “How might you nurture your soul right now?”, these deceptively simple yet highly effective strategies cut to the heart of what is wanted when we seek a ‘balm for the soul’.

For Therapists, Counselors,
and Coaches

The collection works symbiotically to provide multiple entry-points into the variety of issues your clients present.

  • These cards help people to distinguish between a body sensation, an emotion, and a need. The strategy cards specifically offer concise, specific, and doable actions.
  • Important Feature is that the background color of the feeling and needs deck are distinctively different so that the client can easily see them and reflect without getting confused
  • Words are intentionally written so that both client and therapist can read them. Words are on each end and on the sides. Their ‘mirrored’ design makes collaborative healing activities between client and therapist, couples, or pairs within a group setting, easy to coordinate and fun to do.
  • The kinesthetic action of flipping the playing cards draws people in and they more easily respond to the word on the card than they could initiate voicing it.
  • In sessions, my clients’ stories and memories will pour out after resonating with one of the cards.
  • I have used these cards with couples and they are amazed to learn what their spouse has been feeling yet unable to articulate until seeing it on a card. They are more open to feeling, more open to sharing, and ultimately, more open to healing.

Daniel Moody

Life Coach

"My wife and I used these cards after a workshop with Joy and were blown away at how much they revealed for us. Things we didn’t know about ourselves and especially each other came out into the light where we could talk about them and heal. I recommend these cards to everyone."

Heather Morton


“I first experienced these cards in a session with Joy, then I bought a set of each deck and used them in my quiet time. Now I share them because they’re such a great resource. Helpful to use alone or with others.
They make great gifts, so you’ll want to buy two sets!"

Marie Wood, Ph.D.

“The Joyful Clarity Cards have become an essential part of my practice. The cards assist via recognition prompts with empathy-building and increased assertive communication. They are helpful with individual, family, and couples work. These tools enhance my practice.”

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