Meandering Thoughts

December 2022 News from Joy Dec 22, 2022

Wishing you a holiday season full of deep-abiding peace, compassion, and the courage to shine brilliantly! Sending love to all.

Joy's version of a Gaelic blessing

Deep peace of the running river
Deep peace of the silent stars

Deep peace of the running river
Deep peace of the silent stars


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Welcome, 2022. Jan 01, 2022
I am leaving behind my old stories that no longer serve my efficacy. I open to the beautiful unexpected potential from an open mind, a willingness to grow, and trust in the great mystery. I step into this year with curiosity, creativity, and compassion.
Wishing you all big love.
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Happy Winter Solstice. Dec 21, 2021
 The longest night of the year is an opportunity to set an intention for the new season. For instance, you could set an intention to be your radiant self. Let your brilliance shine for all to see.
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Voltaire and Appreciation Nov 17, 2021
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. " ~ Voltaire ~
I love this quote juxtapositioned with this photo of my husband in the woods. Tim has an uncanny knack for knowing where he is, even in the middle of nowhere. I learned from him...
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My Story: From My Wound to My Gifts and How that Relates to You Jun 30, 2021

(Originally posted 08 May 2013)

We may not share the same experiences, but I am guessing we share similar feelings around our challenges.

I grew up in the suburbs, on Long Island, roof over my head, food in my belly, a bicycle to ride and a tree to climb. That tree was my best friend.

I am not...

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Self-care options after energy work Nov 04, 2020
Inner journey work for transformation and energy healing exercises can bring new sensations to our bodies. I encourage you to feel and witness those sensations without judgement. Sensations that rise to the surface are doorways into a deeper understanding of ourselves. Our bodies have a tendency...
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Ā Dissolving Power Cords: A Guided Visualization Jan 30, 2008
Strong emotions and memories may surface during this exercise. Breathe, and allow the emotions to be and move without any forcing on your part, without any holding on. It is possible to experience a response to this exercise some hours or even days later or for the work to continue in the...
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