Meandering Thoughts

My Story: From My Wound to My Gifts and How that Relates to You Jun 30, 2021

(Originally posted 08 May 2013)

We may not share the same experiences, but I am guessing we share similar feelings around our challenges.

I grew up in the suburbs, on Long Island, roof over my head, food in my belly, a bicycle to ride and a tree to climb. That tree was my best friend.

I am not...

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Sweeping Feb 05, 2021

I was just sweeping my floors. I wasn’t sweeping them to clean my house, though that’s a nice side benefit. I was sweeping as a ground soothe my anxiety.

On New Year’s day, a friend had created a sacred time to tap into our intentions for...

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My Fall Equinox Prayer Sep 21, 2014

I am sitting in gratitude and appreciation for renewal that moves through me, each and every cell. I give thanks for our Mother earth that continual offers me nourishment, and beauty. She teaches me resilience and reveals to me her wisdom.

I open to self-acceptance and and say yes to being...

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This Phoenix Rising May 08, 2013

What does rebuilding my website have in common with a phoenix bird? Maybe more than I realized.

This process has taken longer than I imagined, and I needed to dismantle more than the old site. I let go of trying to do everything myself, which meant releasing my idealized self (and hiring...

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