The earth is quickening

Mar 30, 2023

The spring equinox passed, and here in Arkansas, the earth is quickening.

Ever felt like you have a lot happening under the surface? Have you had the sensation that significant change is on the way? Caterpillars go through massive changes to become butterflies. So too do seeds. I liken myself to one of the perennial plants in my garden. I go dormant before bursting out to the surface with vital life force energy. I recognize cycles as an integral part of the maturing process. And like the hydrangeas, some blossoms appear on the old wood and some on new growth. 


 This month I am sharing a rewrite of a previous blog (old growth). As a form of self-care, I am being gentle with myself.

Also this month, I am facilitating a three-day personal retreat for three senior leaders of one of my corporate clients (new growth). I love the synchronicity and ease with which it has come together. I am tapping into my resources to support myself as I help others. The most profound preparation for this retreat is doing my inner work beforehand. For me, PowerPoint presentations are not the way to take this group of leaders on a deep dive into self-awareness. The way I prepare is to keep my mirror clean so I can reflect back on the clarity, authenticity, and radiance of each person. 

I have facilitated many workshops; I view each one with fresh eyes and look for the potential that rises with each group. I am reminded of the Japanese expression, "Ichi-o, Ichi-e," which means "one meeting, one moment." The expression cues us to cherish our gathering as unique and unrepeatable. I care to reveal the gem that comes from the interconnection. 

In April, I am heading back to my parent's house, where we will celebrate my dad's 89th birthday. I have come to appreciate my sisters in new ways. We have grown closer as we accept each others' ways of processing and taking care of ourselves as we take turns caring for our parents.

This is a beautiful month to observe the new buds and watch them leaf out or blossom. I encourage you to pick one tree branch to watch over the next few weeks. Check in on it day to day. Pause long enough to snap a photo--even a mental photo--and then snap another a few weeks later. Take notice of the sweet spring growth; it's a glorious time. Enjoy!