Passing Down Wisdom

Apr 28, 2023

I asked my mom for words of wisdom. We were having a quiet, tender moment as she lay in the hospital bed set up for her in the living room. Her hand finally relaxed into mine. Slowly and evenly paced, she spoke these words:

 "Never give up.

Don't look back. Always look forward.

Do what is in front of you."

I wasn't expecting a response. My question was a wishful longing spoken out loud to garner her perspective as my inner child continues to crave connection.

I took in her phrases with poignant awareness. I saw how they were a portrait of the life she lived. She raised five kids without much support from her extended family. Mistakes were made, emotions were tense at times, and feelings were hurt -- though she kept moving forward. I believe her forward motion was her soothing balm as she navigated life and did the tasks in front of her. Dedicated to her profession of nursing, she worked continuously till she was 75 years old. And she kept on tending to her "elderly" friends until her mobility was no longer there. She no longer had her forward motion. 

I reflected on her words to see how they showed up in my life. Never give up. I trust that if something is meant to "be," it will happen. The timing may not be what I expect, but I have no doubt that it will come to fruition. I trust the creator in me to create, to manifest, to see things through. I trust that I don't have to give up when I am following my inner compass, which is aligned with Source. 

Don't look back. Always look forward. Hmm, I do tend to look back and forward and side to side. I look at things from every angle possible. Inside out and right side in. I look back because I don't want to repeat my mistakes, so I take a hard look at what went wrong. I like to learn before moving forward. Though I also see that I hold on to the past too long when I hold on to grudges. As I let my mom's words come alive in me, I will give myself permission to let go of old hurts to move forward with forgiveness.  

Do what is in front of you. I like to interpret this in two ways. I can use these words when I don't want to tackle mundane tasks (such as sitting down and writing this month's newsletter!) The way she said it made it sound simple. Writing newsletters doesn't feel simple to me. So I also choose the phrase Do what is in front of you to mean: Follow the Flow of Energy. I can allow myself to follow life's stream with ease and grace as I trust that I am in the right place at the right time. I can respond to life with presence. By following the flow, I can write from the heart by responding to life as it is happening. The task is no longer mundane. 

In reflecting, I did what was in front of me by going to Florida, doing the multiple tasks needed to care for my parents, and coming back home with the desire to jump into client sessions without missing a beat. On the weekend, I had lots of things I wanted to do since I had been gone, though napping was the only thing I could see in front of me. Taking downtime was essential for my well-being (two baths and three naps in one day.) Doing what is in front of me sometimes means doing self-care.

I am grateful that I was present for that tender moment with my mother. I consciously received her legacy and know I can carry it with me.