JanuaryĀ News from Joy

Jan 28, 2022

(From the JHC January 2022 newsletter, published 1/28/2022.)

 I finished out the year 2021 business year strong and soaked up the holiday joy by having all three of our adult children in town. It had been over two years since we were all together. 

My husband Tim and I had the fortunate opportunity to travel to Costa Rica to spend time with our son Ben these past two weeks of January (the photo above is Ben and me). You will see more photos from my trip show up on FB and in my blog.

Unfortunately, my phone is still vacationing in Costa Rica. It was stolen or lost or needed a longer vacation. I am going through the stages of grief of losing precious pictures of my parents, holiday photos, and the wonderful hikes I have been on in the last year. If you haven't backed up your phone lately, this is a reminder to do so. 

I used this trip to nourish myself and reflect on my accomplishments, both of which will help me prepare to crystallize my desires for 2022. 

In 2021 I spent time healing from my bicycle accident, which was not what I expected. So it goes in life; we grow and discover gratitude in unlikely ways. Between the skilled surgery of Dr. Brannan (thanks Doc) and months of occupational therapy with Chris Kelsey (thanks Chris), I can bend and straighten the fingers of my right hand. I love my hands and all they do for me, and for my clients. (Picture me kissing my hand and fingers, loving them up.)

When I reflect on the success of my Kickstarter campaign, my heart expands in gratitude for all who helped bring that creative project to fruition. I can still feel in my bones my conviction to design and print these cards. My goal now is to see them spread far and wide so that others will benefit from the clarity and healing they offer. If you haven't worked with me using the cards, join one of my free training calls learn more about them.

I had a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with one of my Inner Circle members, Bill Corn. In December we facilitated a 2-day training for the construction group Legacy Foundations in California. Our collaboration was a wonderful example of the phrase the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Together we offered what we couldn't have done as effectively on our own. 

I had my Joyful Healing Clarity Card Collections available at the Wampus Wonderland, a Holiday Art Fair.

I also sold massage oil, lip balm made from our beeswax, local honey from our beehives




Healing Sessions

Gain clarity and purpose. Access more energy and vitality. 

Schedule a session at: joyfulhealingcenter.com/healing