Meandering Thoughts

SeptemberĀ 2022 News from Joy Sep 29, 2022

 September has been the wedding month for our daughter Melissa and our new son-in-law, Jon. Imagine me in full mother-of-the-bride mode, attending dress fittings, visiting a hair stylist for possible ways to wear my hair, creating flower arrangements and bouquets, and my...

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Guest Blog: Integrating Empathy and Insight by Bob Yamtich Sep 08, 2022
You can learn a lot about a person based on what needs they prioritize and how much life energy they put into those needs. NVC empathy teaches us to look at needs and their level of fulfillment; I extend this examination by looking at what percentage of a person's strategies and efforts in the...
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Being in the Flow with the Universe Story 2: Aug 29, 2022

Parking Lot, Pinky, Wedding Shoes

Story 2: Parking Lot, Pinky, Wedding Shoes

After running an errand at the end of a long work day, I wasn't ready to head back to the house. In those moods, I follow my intuition. I had a nudge to swing by the mall to look for shoes to wear for our...

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August 2022 News from Joy Aug 29, 2022

"Back to School" season can be a time of renewal and fresh starts, even for those of us who are not attending school. This month, I have felt energized to declutter my workspace-- as I make room for new projects. I am determined to make sense of or eliminate the piles of papers. I...

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July 2022 News from Joy Aug 01, 2022
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Being inĀ the flow with the Universe.Ā Part 1 Aug 01, 2022

 Story 1: PEACE and LOVE

I love when I make a spontaneous request and the Universe lets me know I was heard. The same delight comes when I realize I was in the right place at the right time to be the answer to someone else's request. 

I choose to...

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June 2022 News from Joy Jun 29, 2022

(From June 2022 newsletter)

On the road again. I have been traveling for much of June.

My husband Tim and I drove to Albuquerque to visit his siblings. We drove from there to Denver to spend time with our son, his fiancee, and her parents. We are looking forward to their...

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Road Trip Self-Care Tips Jun 29, 2022


Summer and road trips seem to go together. This month I have had more travel than usual. Changing our routine and traveling can be something we look forward to, yet it can also create anxiety. After reflection, I came up with these tips to help you be your...

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Sketching Jazz - Creative Listening May 29, 2022


Earlier this month, my husband Tim and I caught a Charles Mingus Jazz Band performance at the Walton Arts Center. I can be challenged at times with processing auditorily. 

This time I brought along my sketch pad. I love watching music move through a musician's...

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May 2022 News From Joy May 29, 2022

(From the May 2022 Newsletter)

 Acts of Service and Quality Time

As our rainy season allowed, my husband Tim and I worked in our garden and on our front deck, preparing the space for an outdoor bridal shower for our oldest daughter. Such rituals mark transitions.  

On a sunny...

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Being a Good Mentor Apr 21, 2022

Recently a client asked me for resources on how to be a good mentor. I didn't have a specific book off the top of my head. If you know of one, please send it to me so that I can pass it on. Instead of referring to an outside resource, I decided to tap into what I could offer myself from my years...

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Invitation to discuss the Joyful Healing Clarity Cards Apr 19, 2022

Hi! Joy Caffrey here.   If you have already purchased any of the decks from the Joyful Healing Clarity Cards Collection, I am wanting to make sure you are getting the best use out of them.  If you put them aside and forgot about them, now's a good time to pull them out and consider...

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Resources: Cecile Raynor's Self-Paced Activate Your Body Intelligence Course Apr 19, 2022

My colleague Cecile Raynor is offering a 7-week self-paced "Activate Your Body Intelligence" online course.  She invites you to "Reclaim natural good posture and ease of movement for a pain-free body."

Do you experience chronic headaches or chronic pain in your neck, shoulders, back, or...

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March 2022 News from Joy Mar 27, 2022

(from the March 2022 Joyful Healing Center Newsletter)

On March 8, I held another live training on using the Joyful Healing Clarity Cards Collection for self-care and working with others. I enjoy this informal and personal way of sharing my cards. 

On March 17, I recorded a podcast...

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