Corporate Coaching Workshop

Oct 31, 2022

Mid-October, my colleague Akeela Davis and I facilitated morning workshops at a corporate three-day Operations Meeting in California. The first half of each day was spent collaboratively coaching; the afternoons were spent observing and assessing the needs of the client to be on point with our recommendations.

Together we helped this large construction company increase its positive business culture by helping the team learn effective communications skills, increase self-awareness, introduce them to the difference between management and leadership skills, and offer positive team-building exercises. I love facilitating learning through playful activities. 

One popular training exercise was a snowball fight, thanks to the suggestion of my colleague Amy Eversole. The workshop participants made their snowballs by answering questions on pieces of paper and then crumbling them up into snowballs. The snowballs were thrown around the room with gusto. We then settled back down and each person picked up a snowball, uncrumpled the paper, and read out loud a shout-out to another team member, or revealed some training they would like, or a suggestion to improve a process, etc. 

All the participants received a Soul-Care Strategies deck, which offers simple, doable actions to include in their self-care / wellness toolbox. 

After working with individuals for more than thirty years, I am finding it rewarding to use my understanding of human nature in a corporate setting.